Free Multiple Choice Spelling Test Generator
To create a spelling test online with this multiple choice spelling test generator, just fill out the form below and click on the "Generate Test" button.
You will get your printable multiple choice spelling test right away, no account creation process is necessary.
This application uses multiple complex strategies (phonetic analysis, spelling pattern analysis, and more) to generate the best possible spelling options (distractors) for each particular word.
PRO TIP: you can select how many answer options to generate for each sentence using the dropdown menu under the form below.
This quiz builder will create wrong spelling options (distractors) automatically, you just need to mark the words for which distractors must be created.
If you don't like some of the distractors offered by the application, you will be able to edit or delete them.
If you already have all the wrong answer options for each word, and you are looking for a tool to prepare a printable quiz with them, you might be interested in using multipurpose Multiple Choice Test Generator instead.
How to use this Free Multiple Choice Spelling Test Maker
1. Before the printable spelling test is generated
1. Enter the title of your multiple choice spelling test or quiz in the field "Test Title". It can be something as simple and straightforward as "Multiple Choice Spelling Test", "English Grammar Test", or anything else.
2. In the "Instructions" field you can provide your test takers with some suggestions about how to take this test or what is expected from them. This field is optional, you can skip it if it is not applicable to your situation.
3. The main part of the test form consists of fields in the section named "Sentences". Enter here all the sentences that contain words for which you'd like to generate spelling options.
4. Once you enter a sentence in one of these fields, each word from this sentence will be displayed below the input field as a separate button. Click on one or more such buttons to mark the respective words. In the generated test, each marked word will be replaced with the underscored blank (____) in the original sentence. Additionally, 4 spelling options will be generated for it as distractors. If you click on more than 1 word for some sentence, all such words will be replaced with blanks, and for each of them 4 distractors will be generated.
5. Initially, the form of the multiple choice spelling test generator offers five input fields for entering sentences for a test, but you can add as many additional lines as you need. To add one more field, just click on the "Add Fields" button in the left bottom corner below the form. To add many fields at once, specify the required number of them in the input field before the "Add Fields" button before clicking on it.
6. Select the language of your test in the menu at the bottom of the form. This application has been fine-tuned to produce high quality distractors in the following six languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Italian.
7. Click on the "Generate Test" button and wait a few seconds until the test is successfully created.
2. After the spelling test is created by the generator
1. Once the printable spelling test is generated, you can use it in several different ways or modify according to your needs.
2. If you are satisfied with the results of the multiple choice spelling test generation process, scroll the test down and use one of the buttons: "Copy to Clipboard" or "Print".
3. When you click on the "Copy to Clipboard" button, the test will be copied to the memory of your computer. Then you can paste it into a document created with any popular text editors (processors), such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, LibreOffice Writer, etc. After you paste the test into the document, it will be fully editable, so you can change anything in it in just a standard manner you use to edit text documents.
4. When you click on the "Print" button, you will be able to print the test on your printer of save it as a PDF document (just select the PDF printer in your list of printers). Before clicking on this button, select the suitable page size, "A4" or "Letter", using the dropdown menu above the "Print" button. The "A4" format is selected as a default value there. Also consider changing the font size, if necessary, using the "Font size" feature.
5. Before copying or printing the test prepared with the multiple choice spelling test generator, you can modify it in several different ways.
6. Click on the "Shuffle Questions" button in the bottom left corner to change the order of questions in the test randomly. It's a great way to create unique variations of the same test for different students.
7. Click on the "Shuffle Answers" button to change the order of answer options (correct answers and distractors) randomly.
8. If you'd like to change some answer options generated by the multiple choice spelling test generator, click on the respective answer option and modify it.
9. By default, at the top of the test this multiple choice spelling test generator adds a section with such fields as "Name" and "Date", where your quiz takers can specify their name and the date they take this test. If you don't need it, uncheck the checkbox "Show "Name" and "Date" line" below the test.
10. By default, each set of answer options contains the "None of the above" option that is always the last one. In order to remove it, just use the checkbox "Show "None of the above"".
11. In order to generate a completely different test based on the sentences you entered before clicking on the "Generate Test" button, click on the button "Try Again".