Free Random Group Generator


Name Lists

  PRO TIP: use "Add List" button below if you need to select names evenly from several different lists to create well-balanced groups.

For example, if you need each group to have different people who know French and Spanish, you can enter names of people who know French in one list, and add those who know Snanish to another list. Then, when groups are generated, people will be selected from each of these lists evenly, such that each group has equal or comparable number of people from both lists.

Group Setup

Group Roles


Group Names

Display Settings

Generation History

This Random Group Generator (or Random Team Generator) can help you create balanced groups in educational and professional settings. It offers multiple options for group formation, such as assignment of different roles, prevention for specific names to be placed in the same groups, and much more.

It also has multiple pool system, which allows for creation of balanced groups by drawing members evenly from different categories or skill levels. This ensures diverse group composition and promotes effective collaboration.

Groups can be easily saved, printed, or exported to PDF format for documentation and sharing. The built-in history feature helps track previous group arrangements, making it easier to maintain variety in group compositions over time.

Whether used in classrooms, workshops, or team projects, this tool helps create fair and effective group arrangements while saving time.

How to Use this Random Team Maker

Getting Started

  • Enter names in the text area(s) in Name Lists section, one name per line.
  • In Group Setup section, define either the number of groups to generate, or preferred number of names per group.
  • Click on Generate Groups button to generate groups (teams) according to the settings.

Advanced Features

  • Multiple Name Lists:
    • ensures balanced representation across groups;
    • use for skill-based, experience-based, etc. grouping;
    • add lists as needed with the "Add List" button;
    • you can add unlimited number of lists (2, 3, 5, or even more).
  • Role Assignment:
    • define specific roles for each group;
    • roles are randomly assigned to group members;
    • customize roles based on activity needs.
  • Group Restrictions:
    • ensure that names specified in Restrictions list are not in the same groups;
    • useful for managing classroom dynamics or ensuring skill distribution;
    • helps avoid conflicts or unbalanced group compositions.
  • Flexible Group Naming:
    • choose between numeric (Group 1, 2, 3) or alphabetic (Group A, B, C) naming;
    • create custom group names for themed activities or special projects.

Managing Results

  • Save groups as PDF or print on paper.
  • Copy groups to clipboard for easy sharing or further editing in text processor.
  • View and search generation history. You can also disable saving history (uncheck Save history checkbox) or delete it (use Clear History button).
  • Customize visual representation of generation results with different background colors. Note: the results display section background is always automatically disabled when results are saved to PDF file or printed. Background for individual groups can be disabled using the Use different colors for groups checkbox.

Pro Tips

  • Use the "Load Default Settings" button to quickly reset the team maker settings to their initial state.
  • Use the history feature to track group compositions over time.
  • Save commonly used name lists and roles in a text document for quick access.
  • If you always use this application in the same browser window, it will save your latest groups, lists, and settings locally in your browser, and the app will restore them when you refresh the page or open it in a different tab.