Free Vocabulary Test Generator

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Create printable vocabulary tests and quizzes online with this generator. Enter your vocabulary words, their definitions or other relevant contexts, and wrong answer options below.

After your vocabulary quiz is generated, you will be able to download it or print it without registration on the website.

Add any specific instructions for test takers

Vocabulary Items:

Wrong Answer Options:

Wrong Answer Options:

Wrong Answer Options:

Wrong Answer Options:

Wrong Answer Options:

How to use this Free Vocabulary Test Maker

1. Create your vocabulary test

1. Enter the title for your test in the "Test Title" field. For example: "Chapter 5 Vocabulary Test" or "Science Terms Quiz".

2. If needed, add instructions for test takers in the "Instructions" field. You can specify how students should approach the test or provide any special directions.

3. For each vocabulary item:

  • Enter the vocabulary word you want to test
  • Provide a definition or example sentence that demonstrates the word's meaning
  • Add multiple answer options for incorrect but plausible choices

4. Need more vocabulary items? Click "Add Fields" or enter a number and click "Add Fields" to add multiple at once.

5. Each item can have as many answer options as you need - just click the "+ Add Option" button to add more choices.

6. Click "Generate Test" to create your printable vocabulary test.

2. Customize and use your generated test

1. After processing your vocabulary items, the generator creates a complete multiple-choice vocabulary test based on your input words, definitions, and custom distractors.

2. The "Shuffle Questions" button lets you reorder your vocabulary items randomly. It helps preparing different test versions for parallel testing situations or to discourage answer sharing between students.

3. The "Shuffle Answers" button randomizes the order of answer choices within each question. Combined with question shuffling, this creates a unique arrangement of both questions and their answer options.

4. To make grading easier, you can toggle the "Show answer key" checkbox to include a comprehensive answer key. This key automatically updates whenever you shuffle order of questions.

5. Customize the document header by showing or hiding the "Name" and "Date" fields using the provided checkbox.

6. Before printing, select either A4 or Letter page size based on your printer requirements or regional standards. This ensures proper formatting and page breaks.

7. The "None of the above" option can be included or excluded using its checkbox. This adds an additional layer of complexity to your vocabulary assessment.

8. Use the "Copy" button to copy your complete vocabulary test to your clipboard. Alternatively, click "Print" to either print directly or save as a PDF document.

9. If you need to modify your vocabulary items or answer choices, the "Try Again" button returns you to the editing screen with all the data preserved.